Sunday, February 12, 2012

In My Mailbox: Week 4

Hey everyone!  I am so sorry this is late, but to be honest, I totally forgot about posting this.  I was so busy today, that it had slipped my mind!

In My Mailbox is a weekly feature hosted by The Story Siren, where I talk about the books I received either from buying, ARCs, gifts, library, etc...

This week, I went to the library to pick up a book for my book club.  It's the only book I received this week sadly.  I hope to get my hands on a few more books this coming week though!

Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor  Amazon  ♥  Goodreads

I'm actually really excited to read this book!  I started it last night, and I'm 32 pages in, and so far it's been really enjoyable.  I've heard so much good things about this novel and it's author, that I'm really interested in getting to the meat and potatoes of this story!

What did you all receive this week for your IMM?

- Brittany :]


  1. Sweet! Hear this one was good! Let us know how it is! <3
    My IMM

  2. I'm excited to read this one soon too - hopefully I'll get to it soon.
