Friday, February 24, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday: Week #4

Feature & Follow is hosted each week by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  It's a blog hop, where bloggers can expand their following, and get to know each other!

Question of the week: Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most.

I read mostly in my room, on my bed.  My room is pretty small, so I don't have any room for a nice overstuffed chair (which I would kill to have).

I'm one of those readers that like to have absolute quiet when I'm reading, otherwise I get distracted.  So I always close the door, and light a few candles (I can assure you that I am not writing any sort of sex scene right now), and I plug in my fairy lights, and just lay or sit on my bed and read.

My goal this summer is to redecorate my room, and one of my main things I want to do is turn my closet into a reading corner.  I plan on expanding upwards, as there is a smaller closet on top of my bigger closest, so I want to get that out, and add shelves so that I can put the books that are in piles on my floor up on those shelves, and than I was going to add a nice chair, and fairy lights to spruce up the area, and paint it a nice lavender colour.

So yeah, my current reading space is my bed, by dream reading space is my closet!

What is your current reading space?

- Brittany :]


  1. Your blog is very cute and I love your FF answer! I am a screener, so I always have the TV or radio on in the background while I read, although I can manage just fine in total silence, lol!

    Here's our FF

    New follower - via GFC!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. I need total silence as well, love your answer. Sounds like you are going to make a great little reading nook this summer.

    New follower thanks to FF ;)

    My FF

  3. Love the idea of making your closet a reading corner. And by the way, I also love the design of your blog!

    I am a new follower via FF!

    Here's my FF

  4. jajaja TMI!! Hilarious.

    You could not read at my house. Sorry. I can read through TV, Nerf Dart Games, Light Saber Fights... not arguments, though, not blasting music... while driving, while waiting in line at the Post Office...

    :-) Colorimetry

  5. I'm a new follower :)

    I love to read on my bed too, against the wall, it's by far the comfiest ^_^

    You have such a cute blog <3

    Vivian @Vivaciously, Vivian

  6. The closet idea sounds so cool!
